
EasyDiscordBot is a Discord Bot written in C# for the Haruhi Discord. It can be used on any Server you like and is easy to configure.


EasyDiscordBot offers multiple active commands, detailed below, all of them are prefixed with:

command parameter function
help   Prints a help message.
roles   Prints the list of settable/allowed roles.
role rolename, no # or id Set or removes the role (if allowed) from the user.
addrole rolename, no # or id Adds a role to the list of settable/allowed roles.
delrole rolename, no # or id Removes a role from the list of settable/allowed roles.
corrections   Prints the list of Corrections.
addreplace text Adds the string to the to be replaced list.
delreplace text Removes the string from the to be replaced list.
addignore text Adds the string to the to be ignored list.
delignore text Removes the string from the to be ignored list.
addcorrection text(case sensitive) Adds the string to the corrections list.
delcorrection text(case sensitive) Removes the string from the corrections list.

Example Correction

EasyDiscordBot also offers multiple passive commands, detailed below, all of them are in reaction to user messages:

message contains action
word from replacementlist Bot reacts with a snarky message, “correction”, and replaces the word from replacementlist with a better one

Example Correction
